Thursday, January 6, 2011

Quickly learning!

Makena is picking up so many new things!

Tonight we finally got her to say "Mama." She's said it kinda in the past, but never enough for us to fully believe she meant it. Even tonight I don't know if she said "Mama" meaning either Pam or I. But we had been saying it over and over and finally she clearly repeated us.

She will repeat SO many things, and is constantly surprising me with something new.

While sitting on my lap and watching as I uploaded video clips of herself to the computer, she heard my voice in the video say "Aww, give me a kiss!" And she turned around and gave me a kiss for real. She melts me!!

When the video was over she put both hands up and said "uhh!" As in, "What the heck? Why'd the video stop?!" It was so funny and cute.

At the park today, Pam was at the bottom of a slide and I was at the top, and I was about to sit Makena in my lap when she scooted forward and went down the slide all on her own. !!!! She's 11.5 months old, and went down a slide by herself. And not a little baby slide either! This was a high slide, taller than us, on the 5-7 year old section of the playground!

We're always amazed by what she can do.

She will lay down on the changing pad (okay, more often a towel or blanket on the floor in our case) when you pull out a new diaper. If it's a disposable diaper, once you roll it up she will throw it in the trash can. (Pam taught her that trick.)

I was in the kitchen yesterday, and Makena was playing in the livingroom. I kept checking on her every so often, but mostly I could hear her making noise with her toys so I wasn't worried. Then it was silent for a while so I looked at the livingroom but she wasn't there. And I went through the baby gate (which had been open) and checked the hallway but the doors to the bathroom and bedrooms were closed. I walked back into the livingroom, and then noticed she was sitting in her rocking chair that was in the kitchen. Just sitting there, looking adorable and so grown up, just rocking herself, hanging out in the kitchen. I was flabbergasted! She came into the kitchen and climbed up in her chair all without me noticing. lol!

Her birthday is in 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS!

The invitations were mailed today, and they came out great. We are so excited for this party!!

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