Monday, January 24, 2011

Birthday and 1 year stats!

I'm sitting here eating a slice of cake. A slice of cake from Makena's 1st birthday cake. Oh man, it actually happened. She's ONE YEAR OLD!

On January 20th we woke up all together in our family bed, and went into the living room. Makena had two unwrapped gifts waiting for her on the couch. I asked her "Where's the baby?" and she saw her brand new baby doll and ran over to it and gave it a huge hug and very slobbery kiss!

She also got a little plastic tea set. The teapot is so cute, it sings and teaches manners in a hilariously adorable British accent. lol. But I love how much she loves the baby doll. I couldn't wait for her first birthday to give it to her! I knew she'd love it. I wonder what she'll name the baby some day when she's older and talking...

Then we left the house and dropped Pam off to her class and Makena and I met up with my mom at Hobee's for breakfast. Makena ate scrambled eggs and toast and had a fun time walking around. Then we went to Diddam's party store to grab some last minute supplies. We picked up Pam, and Makena was napping in the car, then we drove to Santana Row to go to to afternoon tea!

The tea parlor didn't have any high chairs. Oops. So Makena mostly sat on our laps. Wait, correction- She mostly wandered around because she refused to sit and wanted nothing to do with the food. Not even her ice cream sundae! Oh well. The yearly tea tradition has started!
We had wanted to buy a little teaspoon from the gift shop, but then at the end they brought us one and said "Happy Birthday!" which was perfect.

Then we killed some time at the book store and Makena found the Sesame Street section...
And had a great time playing with everything. We left and rushed to her 1 year doctor check up.

She weighs 23 lbs, and is 30.5 inches tall. We told her Dr that she had 10 teeth, and as he looked in her mouth he found a 3rd molar, making it 11 teeth!! He said "And here's number 11, wow!" Poor baby has been in teething pain for SO long now, she's always got her fingers yanking at her mouth. We've given her tylenol a few evenings. I brought up to the doctor my slight concern about Makena's lack of verbal skills. Not even a true concern, because I know that some babies focus on either gross motor or fine motor or language skills, and sometimes they lack in the other areas. So I'm not worried, I know she'll talk some day! But it's an observation I've made based on other children her age that I've worked with.

She doesn't "talk" or babble much. Pretty much she communicates by grunting and clapping and then pointing. lol. It's effective, because we respond. His only advice was to talk to her more often and that she'd catch up soon.

Then we stopped at the park on the way home and she played for a while.

And we learned an important lesson. Just because Makena is so advanced in her gross motor skill development, and can walk (and even run!) and climb so well, that doesn't mean we should let her do things that she's too young to do safely. Like go down the slide by herself. She went down about 4-5 times and was having a blast, but then on the last time she tipped to the side and banged her face into the side of the slide on her way down. :(
Luckily it wasn't her eye, but it was a close call! She screamed and screamed and cried for a long time. When she finally calmed down we didn't want to buckle her into her car seat to drive home just a few blocks away, because she would get so upset all over again since she HATES the car seat more than anything else, and all that crying on her birthday just isn't fair. So Pam just held her in the back seat while I drove us home very slowly.

JUST KIDDING! Omg, we would never.

Pam walked home with her and I drove home. :)

For dinner we had plans to go to dinner for another friends birthday, and so Makena took a nice late nap and then we went out to eat. She was a trooper, it was such a long busy day! Went home and fell asleep.

And that's how she spent her 1st birthday! Up next, her birthday party! But she's awake now and wants to play so I must oblige!

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