Monday, December 1, 2014

Hadley's 1st Birthday Party, and 1 year old survey!

For Makena's first birthday we had a theme and I planned for a long time and made everything by hand. She loved Sesame Street, so it was easy to pick that theme and run with it! Also, I had more time to sit at home and design invitations, get them printed, MAKE ENVELOPES, address them, and send them in the good old mail.

Hadley, being baby #2, is getting a very different life experience than her big sister got. Namely, a 1st birthday party that we kind of threw together. Everyone says it doesn't matter, that she's only a year old, blah blah blah. People also say there's no point in bringing a 2 year old to Disneyland because they'll never remember it anyway. But that doesn't make any sense to me. Just because someone won't remember something doesn't mean you shouldn't do it!! The point of doing fun stuff is to enjoy it in the moment. It's not like we spend the first couple of years with babies and refuse to expose them to anything fun, all because "they'll never remember it." We also don't treat babies horribly in the name of them not remembering it. Child abuse is still child abuse, even when the child is too young to have the memory of it.

So yeah, I was annoyed with myself and frustrated that we didn't get to do anything I wanted for Hadley's birthday. I also just really love planning parties and was disappointed that all we could come up with for this was a bunch of generic 1st birthday supplies we bought a few months back on super duper clearance, and raspberries, which are one of Hadley's favorite foods.

*Here's the dream sequence where I describe the party I really WISH we could have thrown for her.*

A couple hours at an indoor play gym, for her to climb and run all over in a nice soft place, followed by lunch and watching dogs playing at a dog park.

Okay, maybe that isn't too elaborate, but it would have involved her favorite things! Those gym play parties are stupid expensive though, so we just had her party at Makena's preschool, which is one of Hadley's favorite places anyway. And since it was raining we got to go inside a bit and play in a little ball pit and crawl around on some tumbling mats. I hardly took any photos the whole day.

I made pink raspberry cupcakes with chocolate cream cheese frosting. The cupcake recipe called for beets to color the cupcakes pink. I added much less than it said, but they still tasted too beet-y for my liking and I was worried they were ruined. So I filled them with raspberry preserves and that helped a lot, and so did the delicious frosting! I also made chocolate cupcakes and raspberry buttercream. I wanted Hadley's cake to have pink frosting, it was a cute little cake that I filled with fresh raspberries. All she wanted was to eat the raspberries. :)

She liked it when we all sang to her, and even clapped and laughed a bit when we sang "Happy birthday dear Hadley!" It was adorable.

After cake it was time for presents! She was getting overwhelmed a bit and ready for a nap at this point, but she did enjoy seeing everything. The hit was definitely the jumping barking little dog from Elizabeth!! As her weekly babysitter she sure knew the perfect gift! More on her later, if I ever get around to writing about how I leave my baby every single week with a babysitter...

I really can't believe how fast that year went by. I said the same with Makena, but with baby #2 it's even quicker, which seems absolutely impossible.

We also celebrated on the day of her actual birthday. Pam made pumpkin cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting, and in the morning we did her birthday ring.

Starting a new tradition for Hadley! Originating in Germany, the birthday ring (or, Geburtstagskranz) is an "ornate wooden ring, typically with 12 holes to represent each year of childhood, in which candles are lit on each birthday. At sunrise the candles are lit, and they stay lit all day as family members each say a wish for the child's upcomming year." 

We mixed in a bit of the Waldorf tradition too, and added a photo from her birth and a water drop ornament because of her love of water. As the years go on we will fill up the ring with candles and tokens and look back on who she was in previous years.

Then we went to Play! Los Altos, and met up with friends and then had pizza and cupcakes.

She loved walking up and down the little stairs and bringing balls up there with her.

At 1 year old Hadley is so sweet and silly. She loves to eat beans, berries, and broccoli. She also loves bath time! She dances whenever she hears music, and loves spinning and walking around in circles and laughing. She has the most intense climbing need that I've ever seen in a kid. If there is something to stand on, she will figure out how to get up there. She's determined! She absolutely adores Makena, but then again who doesn't!? She snuggles up so sweetly and will rest her head on my shoulder and rub/pat my back. She's goofy and funny and adorable. She makes us laugh all the time!

I'm so thankful that she's in our lives. She is the icing on the cake! I love watching how much she loves Makena, and seeing how much Makena loves her little sister. I can't wait to see more of her personality come out!


Does your child know her name more than 75% of the time? She is really good at ignoring us when we call her name, but she does know it!
wave, clap, or point- She doesn't point, but she does wave and clap!
say any words- she says "uh-oh!" "thank you!" "mamamama" (mostly when she wants milk) and maybe "cat" and a few others. 
understand simple directions- Hmm, I'm not sure. She will give me a toy in her hands if I ask for it. But other than that she doesn't really seem to understand. Like if I said "Go get a book" or "sit on the chair" she wouldn't do it.
"cruise" on furniture or walk- She started walking at 9 months old.
look for dropped objects- Yes.
have temper tantrums- No. She will sometimes fight diaper changes, but that's about it.
have a high needs temperament? No. She's very easy going!
Do your read to your child for 20 minutes day- No, I should be better at that!!

Do you have concerns about your child diet? No, she eats anything and loves healthy whole foods like beans, broccoli, peas, berries, etc.
What kind of milk does your child drink? My breastmilk.
How many ounces of juice does your child get a day? None. 
Sippy cup, bottle, or regular cup? Sometimes she takes a couple sips from a straw cup or regular cup.
Feed self with fingers? Yes, and she likes to try and use utensils.

Do you brush your child't teeth? We have a few times, she's getting a new toothbrush for Christmas and we will make it a habit! 
With water? Yes, only water.

Has your child had any injuries this past year? Nothing serious, just regular falls and stuff.
My child's car seat faces forwards or backwards? Backwards, and it will stay that was as long as possible.
Is your child's crib mattress set to its lowest level? No crib.
Is there a swimming pool at or near your home? Yes, behind a gate.
Have you checked the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors in the last 6 months? Yes.

Do you have concerns about your child's sleep? No.
Where does your child sleep? In bed with me, or while I hold her.
Does your child sleep through the night? Mostly I think so, as long as I'm laying next to her.
How many naps does your child take? About 1 or 2 a day. Usually around 11am for a little less than an hour, then again around 3-4. But if her morning nap was pushed back or longer than normal she isn't ready for her 2nd nap until 5 or 6, and by then it's too late so she will do 1 nap those days.
Does your child snore? No

Who lives with your child? Her moms and big sister.
Are there any marital, financial or employment stresses at home? Of course!
Are you separated, divorced, or in the process? No.
How is your health? Fine.
How is your spouse or partner's health? Fine.
Do you work outside your home? Very occasionally.
If so, what is your occupation? Babysitter.
Does your spouse or partner work outside your home? Yes.
If so, what is their occupation? Preschool teacher, soccer coach, babysitter.
Do you have help with childcare? On the few occasions we need, yes.
Are you involved with playgroups? No.
Does anyone in your house smoke? No!!
Does anyone in your house have issues with alcohol or drugs? No!
Do you feel safe in your own home? Yes.

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