Sunday, October 14, 2012

Preschool, crafts, and the JDRF walk at the zoo!

A round up of photos from October, starting with some from preschool. I hate that some day she'll go to a real school and I won't be there with her to witness all these wonderful moments. I wish homeschooling was in the cards for me, or that I had a group of parents who wanted to start a little schooling group together. So for now I'm really soaking in how lucky I am to be able to experience her first, albeit extremely casual, schooling with her.

We won a year subscription to Green Kids Crafts, and each month they send a box with cute eco-firendly craft projects. Makena loves checking for packages and gets so excited to open them!

With the avocado tree that my mom planted from an avocado pit the day Makena was born.

Playing catch with Mama at the baseball field across the street.

She was playing in this empty box pretending it was a plane, so I gave her some markers. She drew buttons and asked me to draw a window, then she put the sun and sky and I drew trees.

Makena was thrilled that we went to school with Colin one day. He attends on a different day of the week.

We love going to Play! Los Altos.

She told me to sit and watch the mermaid puppet show, then sang "Part Of That World."

Enjoying crackers before brunch with Kansas!

Putting on shows is one of her newest favorite things, so this huge stage was very exciting. She wanted me to go to the very back and I told her she'd have to sing loudly and wasn't allowed to go near the edge. lol.

On 10/14 we participated in the JDRF walk to raise money to find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes. Team Lyndsie raised over $4,000!! Afterwards we all enjoyed the Oakland Zoo.

I let Makena go across the lily pads by herself, and then she started hopping like a frog. Instead of freaking out I looked at the shallow water and decided to let her be adventurous. She made it across and back without falling, even standing to the side waiting as bigger rowdy kids ran past.

She was so excited to ride in these planes, and then she couldn't figure out how to make it go up. Towards the end she finally pulled the lever hard enough and was beaming as she rose up to the sky.

Makena drew this. It's a castle, with a big flag and a little flag that she's pointing to. And there's a lake with whale stickers.

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