Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First Day of Preschool!

Makena's enrolled in this fabulous "preschool" where the kids attend one day a week, and it's only from 9-11:30, AND their parent attends with them. (That's why I put preschool in quotes!) It's located right by my old high school, which makes me very nostalgic because it's so "it's a small world"-y. The first 45 minutes is spent just playing indoors or out, or doing an art project or two. The parents check the bulletin board and read the assigned pages in our workbook, then write a response to the questions provided. Today our task was to observe how our child acts in the new surrounding, how they respond to the other children, and what emotions they (and we) were feeling on this first day.
I can't wait to read the whole journal at the end of the year!! It's extremely easy for me to write, especially in a school setting, but this wasn't to please anyone but myself. I ran out of room because I wanted to be as detailed as possible! The "homework" (quotes because we aren't meant to take it home) is also a chance for us to focus on something other than hovering over our child.

I had told Makena that when we go to school we get to wear a special yellow button with our name on it, and that her teacher will pin it on her shirt. During the parent orientation that was explained to us, and I wanted to give Makena an idea about something to expect. That morning Makena was beside herself with excitement. We ate a nice family breakfast and then she got up and grabbed her lunch box and said she was ready for school. So we took photos of her because that's just what you HAVE to do!! Such a fun milestone!

Before getting in the car she was getting impatient and we took about 20 photos, I think this last one is my favorite-

At the front gate. I loved how eager she was to go in. Not a bit nervous-

Then we walked into the classroom and the teacher greeted Makena by name. She was all smiles, and loved the name tag button.We said hello to our friends who were there, I'm so glad Makena has someone she knows in her class! Then she wanted to read a book with Pam. Pam took the morning off her own preschool job to attend class with us. How lucky is Makena?!

 Next she did the art project and decorated a shirt. The glue was the best part.

And finally she was ready to go explore outside! I couldn't wait for her to see how awesome it is, she had the greatest time playing with everything. She loved the tire swing.

She pretty much just ran all over the place practically squealing with joy!

She loved the play house. At one point another kid came in and was playing with some dishes and Makena said "Noooo! I'm playing!!" but then we showed her there was plenty to share. Good ol' only child syndrome...

 She loved the gas station/mechanic shop, and especially the goggles and keyboard inside-

Pam took her on a wagon ride-

She painted a picture... and I know I have full permission to brag, but out of all the paintings, hers was the only one that wasn't a scribble of paint. She drew a shape then proceeded to color it in, staying inside the lines and making sure to get every spot of white. The little hand washing station was fun too, full of warm bubbly water and a towel to dry hands on.

After the free-play it's time for circle time. We sang songs and marched around the room (Makena hates doing that for some reason, she always asks me to hold her.)

Then snack time!! She was so excited to sit down with her lunch box and eat her snacks. She unzipped it by herself and opened the container and we just were so proud of her. So fun! Another my-kid-is-awesome point- I didn't notice any other kid eating veggies. ;) 

She ran outside to play again and had fun with her friend. A little boy started to play with the basket ball hoop she was using, and she got annoyed by him until Pam reminded her how to share and take turns. Then she ran off to play on the side and the boy followed her. Pam said, "Look, you made a new friend!" and Makena was just smitten. Another little girl climbed up on the play structure and Makena exclaimed, "Now me have TWO new friends!!" :)

Normally the last 30 minutes of class are when the parents go with the teacher to another room for a little adults only class. The kids stay at the preschool with whatever rotating parent helper is on duty and with the 2 classroom aides, one of which is me! So while I'm very thrilled with the reduced tuition fee in exchange for being an aide, I do hope to swap a few times so that Makena gets to experience me not being there. The teacher said I'm more than welcome to do so, especially if there is a class topic that particularly interests me. We'll see!

At bedtime Makena said her favorite parts were "making my new friend Jimmy" and "teacher Mindy said hi and bye to me!" She just beamed the whole time we were there, and asked to go back again the next day. I wish it was more than once a week! She went to bed tonight very excited that tomorrow is a school day!

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