Thursday, September 27, 2012

Assesment Results

We were sent some really interesting results after Makena's speech evaluation at Early Start two weeks ago. They knew our only concern was her articulation, but explained that the program assesses every level of development. They added up everything and gave us her scores based on the Battelle Developmental Inventory 2nd Edition, then marked the age level she's performing at. Note that she was 31 months old when the evaluation was done-

Gross Motor (Large movement)
Makena demonstrates or is reported to do the following skills...
-Maintains or corrects balance when moving from a standing position to other, non-vertical positions
-Runs 10 feet without falling
-Kicks a ball without falling
-Walks up and down stairs without assistance
-Walks backwards 5 feet
-Throws a ball forward with direction
-Jumps forward with both feet together

Gross Motor score: 28 months (10% below age level, within normal limits)

Fine Motor (Small movement)
In fine motor skills, Makena demonstrates or is reported to demonstrate the following skills...
-Picks up a raisin (neat pincer grasp)
-Extends a toy to a person and releases it from her grasp
-Intentionally propels or throws an object
-Removes forms from a form board
-Extends or points with index finger independently of the thumb or other fingers
-Scribbles linear and/or circular patterns spontaneously
-Scribbles randomly with crayons
-Uses pads of fingertips to grasp pencil
-Holds a crayon in a fisted grasp
-Strings 4 large beads
-Holds paper with one hand while drawing or writing with the other hand
-Copies a cross
-Imitates vertical and horizontal markings
-Imitates circular markings
-Stacks 8 cubes vertically

Fine motor score: 36 months
Perceptual motor score: 41+ months

Adaptive/Self-Help (Sleeping, eating, dressing, toileting, etc.)
Family reports Makena to have the following skills...
-Removes shoes without assistance
-Drinks from a cup with little spilling
-Feeds herself with a spoon or fork without assistance
-Distinguishes between food substances and non-food substances
-Removes clothing unassisted
-Is beginning to blow nose without assistance
-Accurately responds "yes" or "no" when asked if she has to use the toilet
-Expressed need to use the toilet
-Controls bowel movements regularly
-Asks for food at the table
-Washes and dries hands without assistance
-Plays independently, requires minimal supervision
-Understands hot is dangerous
-Puts toys away when asked
-Shows car when handling an infant or small animal
-Indicates or describes and illness or ailment to an adult
-Demonstrates caution and avoids common dangers

Self-Care score: 33 months
Personal Responsibility score: 35 months

Cognitive (Responsiveness to environment, thinking skills, problem solving) 
Makena demonstrates the following skills...
-Visually attends to a light source moving in an 180 degree arc and in a vertical direction
-Turns eye towards a light source
-Shows anticipatory excitement
-Visually attends to an object for 5 or more seconds
-Follows auditory and visual stimulus
-Attends to an ongoing sound or activity for more than 15 seconds
-Occupies self for 5 minutes
-Attends to a game of peek-a-boo for 1 minute
-Uncovers a hidden toy
-Plays well independently at home for periods of time more than 10 minutes
-Searches for removed object
-Looks at, points to, touches pictures in a book
-Finds objects under one of two cups
-Selects the hand hiding the toy
-Recognizes self as the cause of events happening
-Experiments with variations of casual behavior
-Reaches around barrier to obtain a toy
-Nests 5 cups
-Matches colors
-Shows awareness of new situations
-Physically explores and investigates surroundings
-Imitates simple facial gestures
-Completes simple foam board
-Matches a circle, square, and triangle.

Attention & Memory score: 31 months
Reasoning & Academic score: 36 months
Perception & Concepts score: 36 months

Communication (Language and speech)

Receptive (Understanding)
Makena demonstrated the following receptive language skills...
-Associates words with common objects or actions
-Identifies family members when named by looking and or pointing to them
-Responds to verbal commands paired with a gesture
-Looks at or points to an object across the rool when it is names
-Follows three or more familiar verbal commands
-Responds to simple prepositions (out, in, on)
-Understands simple possessives (my, your)
-Responds to different adverbs and adjectives appropriately

During the assessment Makena was observed to follow a variety of one and two step directions without difficulties. She was able to identify many items in pictures upon request and demonstrated a basic understanding of prepositions, adverbs, and adjectives (e.g. in, on, under, loudly, softly, various colors and sizes). Her parents reported that she understands everything that is said to her and they are not concerned with this area of development.

Score: 40 months

Expressive (Making sounds, gestures, signing, talking) 
Makena demonstrated the following expressive language skills...
-Uses greater than 100 words to communicate in 2-6 word phrases
-Dialogues in a back and forth manner
-Uses words to get needs met 90% of the time
-Uses pronouns "you" and "me" in conversation
-Uses words to relate information about other people, their actions, or their experiences
-Responds to "yes" and "no" questions appropriately
-Communicates very effectively using sounds and a few words as well as a full range of non-verbal means (body language, eye gaze, facial expressions, and typical gestures including pointing).
-Communicates with others for a variety of age-appropriate reasons (to greet others, to show something of interest to others, to comment on an object or action, to call attention for the purpose of starting an interaction, to respond to what others say, to refuse or protest something, and to get information about something).

Makena's parents expressed concerns in regard to her development in the expressive language area. Makena was observed to have a large and robust vocabulary that she uses for a variety of social functions (i.e. to greet, comment, request, protest, etc.) . During the assessment, Makena dialogued back and forth with the examiner using 2-6 word phrases. It should be noted that many of her words were not clear and she frequently left off the ends of words and/or omitted certain sounds. Her parents are very concerned with the clarity of her speech and they feel she is difficult to understand at times. Makena engaged well with the examiner using appropriate eye contact, gestures, and verbalization to call attention to herself, request more of an activity, and/or respond to simple commands. This are should be monitored as she grows and develops.

Score: 39 months

Social/Emotional (Relating to others)
Makena demonstrates or is reported to do the following skills...
-Greets familiar adults apontaneously
-Enjoys having someone read simple stories
-Helps with simple household tasks
-Responds positively when familiar adults or adults in authority initiate social contact
-Allows others to participate in her activities
-Initiates social contact with familiar adults
-Separates easily from the parent
-Uses adults other than her parents as resources
-Imitates the play activities of other children
-Responds differently to familiar and unfamiliar children
-Plays with a peer, using the same materials, without disturbing the other child's play
-Expresses affection or liking for a peer
-Shows sympathy or concern for others
-Follows direction related to her daily routine
-Appropriately communicates a range of positive and negative emotions
-Imitates others and changes her behaviors based on what others are doing
-Shows pride in accomplishments
-Expresses enthusiasm for work or play
-States her first name and age
-Uses objects in make-believe play
-Uses words for social contact
-Uses pronoun "me" to herself

Adult Interaction score: 31 months
Peer Interaction score: 28 months (10% below age level, within normal limits)
Self Concept & Social Role score: 31 months

Makena presented as an adorable and sweet little girl who initially was a bit shy with the unfamiliar examiners and testing environment. Within a few minutes, she easily transitioned into play and showed excitement when seeing all the toys available. She quickly moved through the structured testing items and transitioned well between each activity. Makena was eager to see what came next and responded well to both social and communicative interactions with excellent eye contact. She followed a variety of directions without difficulty, shared information about herself, and commented throughout the assessment using complex sentences with greater than four words.


That's all really cool. I love that a professional called her adorable and sweet. :) See, it's not just us, she really is that awesome! Some of it doesn't make much sense, for example Makena's always been advanced with her gross motor skills. I remember her showing the doctor how well she could jump at like her 18 month check-up, and he was impressed. When I brought up some very early concerns about her not really talking much yet he told me she was clearly focusing on the gross motor skills for now. So the fact that she scored low on that is laughable. The kid is the only one in the gym class for her age that did the balance beam completely unassisted. I find it interesting that they said she can run 10 feet without falling... She can run and run and run and not fall down. The testing room was only about 15 feet wide, lol.

When it was over the speech-language pathologist and intake coordinator both told us that before even computing the scores they could tell Makena wasn't going to be eligible for services. Then they quickly scored her results and laughed and said she was the highest scoring kid they've assessed.

I'm still very glad we went and had the evaluation done. I'd hate to be a parent who refused to admit my child needed help with an issue. It was never a question on how smart she is, if anything we were concerned there might be a physical reason for her to speak like she does. There's no harm in the free evaluation, and we got validation that our kid is amazing, so really it was a win-win!

In more mommy brag-ness: Makena's teacher said to us on the first day of preschool, "Wow, she seems to have such a happy joyful spirit." And we told her that her name means "filled with happiness." Because it's so true, Makena is such a delight! We love when strangers immediately pick up on that after first meeting her. Man, I really really love this dream come true child.

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