Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Adventures in pottying!

 We had wanted to wait on full blown potty "training" until after our trip to Disneyland. The 6+ hour car trip and long days spent at the parks sounded like a huge pain without diapers! But we realized we were holding  Makena back and making it difficult and confusing for her. She's always enjoyed lots of diaper-free time at home, and we've had the potty set up for quite some time. She'd use it occasionally, and we knew she was ready to make the leap but due it to inconveniencing US, we weren't in a rush. Then she started to resist putting a diaper on, and was asking to use the potty instead, so we had to go all for nothing! I'm so glad we did, because it's been SO awesome!

On January 1st we spent the day at home, snacking and drinking lots of fluids. We made up a potty song to the tune of the Hot Dog song from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, lol. Makena was only wearing a shirt, and she had a couple accidents but more potty hits! Lots of singing and dancing and cheers! We spent the next couple of days focusing on her using the potty. She did amazing, only 2 accidents that whole week. So we started to leave the house for short periods of time. It's been overwhelmingly successful! We always take a potty with us, and she uses it just fine while out and about! We do need to get her used to the real toilet soon though. But for now we are so so proud of her, and she's so proud of herself!!


We ran a lot of errands this month, mostly getting supplies for her birthday party. At the party store she found these foam letters and said, "M! Ken, ma, M!" She mostly talks by just saying the first syllable of words, but what she meant was, "M! For Makena and Mama! M!" Haha.  

She loves anything with wheels to ride on, and I wish we had as place to store a bike or scooter for her. Luckily we get to play with the boys' toys a few times a week... AND we all get to practice sharing. It's a work in progress. Mostly Makena just cries and gives up her toy. Lately though she's been starting to assert herself a bit and saying no. So we ask for a turn and then wait. Though Makena immediately says she's all done, and happily shares. :)

Making me some toast for breakfast, and putting the lid back on each salt/pepper/cinnamon shaker when she's done.

Pam took her to Happy Hollow one day and gave me some uninterrupted time at home to get lots of party decorations made! Sometimes I get so touched out on whiny clingy days and I crave moments alone for some "me time." Pam walks in the door and I want to go crawl into a hole and read a book all alone. But then at the same time, I hate being away from Makena. We went to the movies for a very rare date night the other evening, and it was nice to be out but I checked my phone every 20 minutes and thoughts of Makena creep in to my mind constantly. I also think it's important that Pam and Makena get time alone together. So they went out for the morning and she sent me these photos-

Then Pam sent me a text saying they were on their way home, and to just wait till I see Makena. Of course my first thought was, "Omg, is she okay, did she trip and knock out her teeth?!" I had to calm my mind down and tell myself that Pam would have let me know if there had been an emergency, and anything minor she is more than capable of handling herself. When they got home Makena had a butterfly face painting. :) he was ready for milk the second she saw me, so I happily nursed my beautiful butterfly baby girl!

She was fiercely obsessed with her Mickey stuffed friends this whole month. We could get her to do anything by saying Minnie (Or Donald/Daisy/Goofy...) wanted her to. They helped her get dressed, brush her teeth, etc. We reminded her often that soon we'd go to Disneyland and see them all. She'd bring it up on her own and couldn't wait to go. She had no idea the fun in store!!

 Playing outside in a puddle, we walked by it on the way to the mailbox, and she asked if she could touch the water. I said yes, and we stayed to play for a while. She was jumping and splashing and laughing. I was texting Pam photos and we were marveling over how awesome she is. We do that a lot. I feel so fortunate that I get to be with Makena 24/7, and stay home with her or take her to work with me a few hours a week. I feel like if I were in Pam's shoes I'd never get anything done at work because I'd be busy thinking about her, so I send photos. I also send texts of frustration when I'm having a rough day and Makena won't nap and she's being a whiny pants. But those are few and far between. ;)

This is what Makena does when she's upset. She walks away and hangs her head and pouts. We don't know where it came from, but it's hilarious! Okay, it's a little heartbreaking too. But not so much when she's just bummed that we have to go upstairs to eat lunch.  She's turning out to be quite dramatic. Totally has my emotional genes! She also has started to say "Me self!!" for just about anything that she wants to do herself. Sometimes she adds a little arms crossed thing. We might start coloring and I'll mention she should get the kitty coloring book or something, and she'll jump up and say "Me self!" and cross her arms as if she's mad, but she's not. Thankfully it seems to be dying down. It was a little too snooty looking for my tastes!!

On her 2nd birthday! We love to stop and get bagels on the way home from dropping Pam off at work. I get her a raisin bagel and she dips it in cream cheese. I get an egg and cheese bagel sandwich and she eats most of my eggs. Sometimes we split an orange juice.

I honestly can't even believe how fast she's growing up. I remember being pregnant and just wanting her to be born so badly. I remember spending hours sitting on the couch holding her. I remember her crawling, then walking. I remember Pam and I watching her in awe and saying, "Omg, one day she's going to run around and be a little kid!!"

She's not a baby any more, but she's MY baby for sure!

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