Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sleeping habits these days.

Sometime in August we moved our mattress to the floor of Makena's room. Our hope was to get her to sleep at night in her crib, but we'd still be super close by. She spent a couple nights in her crib, but I found it too much of a hassle to get up and get her to nurse in the middle of the night, and stay awake to put her back in. If she slept soundly through the night I'd consider having her sleep in her crib for sure. But I really truly love sleeping next to her warm soft little body. It just feels right. (I would like to have our bed be in our room, and free up the space for Makena to have room to play on her floor, but it's safest to have our mattress on the floor. Maybe we need to consider putting our bed and frame in storage and putting the mattress on our bedroom floor...hmm...)

Naps were still happening only in my arms after I nursed her, like it had been since the nay she was born. But then in September we tried seeing what would happen if I nursed her in the bed and then got up after she was asleep. That's what we do for bed time, so I'm not sure why we never considered it for naps. And, not too shockingly, it worked!!

Makena now takes 2 or 3 naps a day, for about an hour each. I lay down with her, nurse, and she either rolls over and falls asleep or I pop her off after she's fallen asleep, or I give her the pacifier and she falls asleep. Only she's been teething for about a week now, and very fussy so I've had to hold her and walk around/rock her to sleep. But the second her eyes close I can lay her on the bed and walk away. I suppose I could lay her in the crib, but she's used to the bed and sleeps better on it. Plus, if she stirs or cries out I can go lay down next to her and soothe her until she falls back to sleep. Hey, whatever it takes!!

Sometimes I take a morning nap with her. But usually I get up and eat, play on the computer, load the dishwasher, get dinner prepped, or whatever. I keep my eye on the monitor, because Makena rarely makes a peep when she wakes up. She'll just start to move, and then sit up, and then crawl towards the door. And since she's just on the mattress (even though it's only a foot off the floor) I don't want her tumbling off so I rush in and get her.

Right now she isn't sleeping well at all, she keeps crying and tossing and turning. :( She's been teething and the last few weeks have been tough. We get a few BAD days, then a little break, then more bad days. Ugh! Those top middle teeth are coming, and I hope they get here soon so she feels better! We even gave her some Motrin the other day because she was so miserable. She has her hands grabbing in her mouth all the time, and is clingy and weepy. Poor baby! A couple weeks ago she was so upset and had missed a nap and she was also on a terrible nursing strike (that was AWFUL. On 9/27 she was teething badly and bit down on my nipple as I tried to get her to latch on, and I yelled out in pain and pushed her away. She giggled. But then refused to nurse again...and it lasted 4 days. Every time I tried she'd just bite me and pull away. I was a mess. I had to pump and she didn't take a bottle so we gave her my milk in her sippy cup and with a medicine dropper. Then on the 30th I spoke to a lactation consultant and she gave me some tips and it worked! She nursed that night and has since) and I was at work and when the boys took a nap Makena finally was able to relax and she fell asleep in my arms as I walked around the house.

It's so nice to hold your baby as they sleep. It's just so nice. As much as I love that she naps by herself now, and it gives me a MUCH needed break, I love the chance to hold her while she sleeps. So many moms don't get the chance to hold their babies all day long, whenever they want to. But I do. And I like taking advantage of that!!

I think it's time for me to get to bed. It's after 11pm. Pretty late!! I keep checking the monitor and my empty spot of the family bed is calling to me. Besides, Makena will probably be waking up for her midnight snack soon. Not every night, but most nights she's up at midnight and 3 ish. Then awake for the day at 6am. But, since I'm literally 6 inches away from her, I don't even fully wake up. I roll over, feed her, and don't even remember falling asleep again. And the other night she slept from 8pm-5am. Maybe she'll do the same tonight?!

Eh, maybe not. She's moving around. I'm going to bed. :)

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