Friday, August 27, 2010

My sweet baby girl

Lately I've been falling even more in love with Makena. She's just so... everything! No, she isn't perfect, and that's a good thing. I'll admit there are times that she drives me absolutely crazy. She will whine and fuss and be needy...but, then again, she's a baby. And more importantly, she's MY baby! She's the baby I've been waiting for. She's the baby who I worried I'd never have. She's the baby that made those 2 pink lines appear. The baby I felt kicking around inside my belly. The baby who's heart I listened to when I wanted to check that she was doing okay. She is finally here! I have a baby! I'M A MOM!

I don't know when (or if?) it will ever completely sink in. The thing I've been anxiously anticipating for so long has actually truly happened. For real. She's here, in the flesh!!

Last Saturday she woke up and after nursing for a long time in the morning we got up to play and she started to do her morning poop. Lately, if we're at home and we notice her trying to poop we take off her clothes and diaper and sit her on the toilet. I know, she's a baby and it sounds crazy, but we've had MUCH success with this!! She was sitting there and I was sitting below/in front of her encouraging her to puuuuush! And then she threw up. All over my lap and the bathroom floor. It was a lot of puke. We went into the bath and then I was feeding her some breakfast and Pam left for work. A few minutes later she puked again. And then again. And then about 20 more times throughout the rest of the day. Awful. We knew that she had picked it up from Colin, who had been sick along with the rest of his family a couple weeks before. But, he hadn't puked in 5 days so we thought it was safe. Guess not!!

We got her some Pedialyte, and she could barely keep that down. She had a fever of 101, and just wanted to be held and nursed, but I was instructed to not feed her too much or her tummy would be full and she'd just puke more. It was a rough day. I just had to sit there and let her throw up all over and clean her up and then do it all over again. And, then Pam came home and was sick too. That night Makena woke up at around 3 am and puked all face. Getting woken up because you're being puked on is about as crappy as it sounds.

At least she was in a pretty good mood the whole day. She still sat and played happily. She's spontaneously throw up, but then smile. I won't post the picture I took AFTER this one, where there's a puddle of puke at/on her feet.

Then on Tuesday and Wednesday they were feeling better but I wasn't...I didn't puke, but I was nauseous and had awful headaches. And a fever. AND we were hit with a huge heatwave where temps got up to 101...including inside our apartment!!!! With no A/C we were in pretty bad shape. We went over to friends houses to cool off. We slept all together on the floor in Makena's room where it was a couple degrees cooler.

It was sticky and gross and I couldn't stand to be touched by the hot little furnace that Makena is. So breastfeeding wasn't too enjoyable those days at all! On Wednesday night Makena was so excited by the ability to crawl around at bedtime (usually she's in a sleepsack and can't crawl, and the bed isn't exactly firm enough or big enough to give her room to anyway! But it was way too hot to wear it those nights.) so while trying to nurse her she started to crawl away. I just continued laying there, and she came back over and just started nursing again. It was super cute. This picture doesn't do it justice at all, she was looking up at me with this coy little adorable face.

And that's the thing...she's just wonderful and it's in those tiny moments that my heart grows bigger and more full of love for her.

She can give kisses now, if you get close to her face and say "give me a kiss! mmmm!" she'll open her mouth and try to make out with you... lol.

I'm realizing more and more that she isn't a tiny baby any more. She can do so much on her own. She can sit and crawl and fall over and get back up and pull up to standing and feed herself. She can move AWAY from me!! It makes me sad, and I miss the little newborn baby who would just doze off and was content to stay in one place. She's growing up already, and it's so hard to wrap my mind around the fact that 1, we have a baby. And 2, she is getting bigger!

We packed up the co-sleeper and put it in storage. "We'll use it with the next baby." Yes, we want another baby...shoot I'd want that 2nd baby right now if we could have it! But even the thought that one day we'll have another baby means that one day Makena will be the big sister, and officially NOT the baby. But for now, she is the baby. Even if she can drink from a cup by herself.

1 comment:

  1. She's such a precious baby. It's so sad she cries every time I'm near her.
