Tuesday, November 27, 2012

November photos

Earlier this month Grandmo came to preschool with us. Makena had so much fun. She always does, I wish we could attend more often! Tomorrow we have our first field trip. Pam took the day off so she could come too. :) We're going to Hidden Villa, I've never been so I was excited... but now it's supposed to be raining so I'm not excited.

Makena's been very into dressing up lately, and she doesn't differentiate between the box of dress up clothes and her real clothes. When it's time to get dressed sometimes she brings me clothes like this and tells me what order to put them on. Actually sometimes she'll lay out an outfit, and she even puts the undies under the pants and stuff. It's very cute/clever.

The boys Pam watches came over the other day for lunch and to play for a bit. Notice that one is in Makena's fairy costume... and both boys are busy playing with the princess castle. They asked Makena to come play with them but she said no, that she was busy being a super hero. Lol. I love her!! That cape was a fantastic gift she got last year for Christmas.

We went to school with Colin again, and they played so nicely together. The teacher asked if they were siblings, and said they are both so sweet. And they really are! He's the closest thing Makena has for a sibling. She's been saying she wants a little sister recently. There's a book where she always points out the mommy, mama, herself, and "my little sister!" :/ I really wish it was easy to get her a sibling.

When it was time for the adults to go to the meeting, I stayed behind but "hid" a bit so that Makena thought I was gone. I was curious how she'd do, and she was totally fine. They played inside for a while and I peeked in from outside, then they ran outside to play and I snuck in the back door to watch from inside. I think she did so well because her buddy was with her, they played together the whole time. I really enjoyed watching them! I was a bit dismayed to see her climb UP the slide, something she knows is totally not allowed. At one point Makena's shoe came off and he tried to help her put it on. She was stranded on the slide, and couldn't get her shoe on. I stayed back, I wanted to see what would happen. Eventually one of the aides noticed and put it on for her, and a few minutes later I heard Makena crying. I looked out the window and she was holding something and crying, and there was a little boy on the ground crying. She seemed upset, not hurt, and I wanted to refrain from stepping in to help since I could tell she wasn't seriously in need of my assistance. But she came inside and the other adults were returning anyway, so I hugged her and she was alright. Apparently the other kid tried to take the map from her and she pulled it away.

We were invited by Pam's co-teacher to celebrate Diwali with her family. We had a great dinner and played with sparklers. Makena loved the outfit she borrowed.

Things Makena said she was thankful for-

She's been wanting a bed for her stuffed animals/baby dolls, and I made this little crib out of a box!

Cleaning up some paint brushes turned in to painting the bathroom sink!

During a tea party she said she wanted her kitty Donte to have tea too.

I was in the kitchen and found she had unrolled almost a whole floss container. She was calling it her horsie seat belt...

We got these fortunes the other day... in 2 months it'll be Makena's birthday, and we're hoping to visit the snow, so hopefully this means it'll happen!!

Thanksgiving at my parent's house-

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