Tuesday, April 13th, 2010.
5:00 am
3 month old Makena wakes up. I feed her, she poops. I change her diaper and feed her again. And then she poops. Again.
Pam wakes me up. It's time to get ready to leave. I roll out of bed, throw on clothes. We wait until the last second to get Makena up.
We wake up our sleeping baby, change her diaper, and leave her jammies on. Buckle her in the carseat and Pam drives to work while I sit in the back. I scarf down a gross vegan waffle in the car.
Pam runs in to the grocery store in the shopping center where she works to pick up a frozen meal for her lunch and some coffee for both of us. I get a soy raspberry mocha with no whipped cream. :(
I arrive at work and quietly enter the house. Makena has fallen asleep in her carseat. I place her/it on the table. Everyone is sleeping. I drink my coffee and savor every. single. glorious. sip.
Makena wakes up. I feed her and she poops. I change her diaper and she laughs! She loves getting her diaper changed!
Ian is awake, I change his diaper and feed him breakfast and he picks out the best pieces from his cereal then asks for more. I try to encourage him to eat the plain boring flakes but he says "more" about 17 times. He must think I don't understand him so he resorts to showing me the sign for "more" and presses his finger tips together SO hard. lol. Makena is in the swing, she is sleepy but fussing. Ian suggests she needs her mimi. (What he calls a pacifier.) He's right, I go pop it in her mouth and she closes her eyes.
We sit on the floor and read books about trucks, and then more books about trucks. Makena starts to cry. I pick her up and she naps while I hold her and continue reading about trucks. (I'm learning so much!)
Makena is wide awake. She sits with me and I help Ian build a very tall tower with Lego's...on top of a car of course!
Colin joins us downstairs! I put Makena in the Pack n' Play and change Colin's diaper. Makena is fussing. Ian eats more breakfast with his mom.
Makena is happily sitting in the swing (see her in the background?) listening to music. Ian is sitting in his high chair coloring pictures of cars.
Ian is repeating "piss" and I don't know what he wants. His mom hears him and says he wants pants. lol! I start to dress him and as I'm pulling up his pants Makena and Colin lose their pacifiers at the same time and start to cry simultaneously. Ian is giggling. I get up and pop both pacifiers back in.
Ian is looking at Makena in the swing. She keeps smiling at him. Her pacifier falls out and he smushes it back into her mouth before I can stop him. He is SUCH a good helper, and insists that the babies have their mimi's at all times! Colin is asleep in the bouncer on the kitchen table, up out of the way of his toddler tornado brother!
I put on the Baby Bjorn in anticipation of needing an extra set of hands. Ian doesn't have his shirt on yet and when I try to wrangle him into it he grabs it and we laugh and play hide & seek.
Still have to pee. Still trying to get Ian's shirt on. Still continually putting pacifier back in Makena's mouth.
12:05 pm
I entice Ian with a drink of water (with ice!) in his cup (with cars on it!) in the kitchen so I can keep an eye on him while I go to the bathroom. Makena is crying, I grab her and put her in the Baby Bjorn, then make my legs into a tunnel for Ian to crawl through while getting his lunch ready. He gets his ride-on car and rams into my feet again. I tell him to stop because it hurts. I start counting and get to 1 and he stops, perfect timing, because it's...
Lunch time! Ian is in his high chair eating, I sit at the table and feed Makena. Colin wakes up. I'm starving. Ian wants more cheese so I get him another slice while still nursing Makena. I start a pot of water to boil for my pasta.
Ian is done eating, he goes to play with a puzzle (with all sorts of cars on it!) Colin is crying and his mom brings him upstairs to feed him. Makena has fallen asleep, I swaddle her and lay her on the couch.
Makena is awake. She fusses while I build a house out of coasters with Ian. I change his diaper and he keeps saying "house!" He hears a cough from upstairs and says "sneeze!" We practice the difference between coughs and sneezes and Makena finds it hilarious.
I change Makena's diaper and leave her to play in the changing table portion of the PnP. Ian wants to color again so I put him in his high chair. I clean up from lunch and add my pasta to the water that's been boiling for the last 2o minutes. Have to add extra water. Makena is babbling away in the changer.
Pasta is done. I scarf down my food. Wish I could eat Parmesan cheese!! Makena is crying, I pick her up and hold her while I finish eating. I let Ian down.
I'm done eating, Makena is drifting to sleep, I put her in the swing. Ian asks for milk so I get him some, and then we read books about...trucks! I change his diaper. His mom is downstairs making her lunch and then Ian "helps" her with her paperwork by placing multiple post-it stickers on her shirt.
Makena is still awake in the swing and she's SO sleepy, her eyes are red and she can barely keep them open. Ian is getting frustrated at everything and starting to whine. I try to take him up for a nap but he cries for his mama. She puts him down for a wee sleep. :) Makena is crying, I pick her up and nurse her and she immediately falls asleep in my arms. I eat some almonds and sit on the couch.
Ian is still awake chatting away in his crib. I can hear him on the monitor. His mom heads out to meet with a client, and tells me that Colin is upstairs sleeping on the bed. I take Makena with me upstairs to sit with the 2 sleeping babies.
Ian is finally sleeping. Colin wakes up and is hungry. Makena is still asleep. I take both the babies downstairs, and put Makena in the PnP (she doesn't wake up!!) while I change Colin's diaper. I leave him in the changer and go defrost his milk. I eat Pop Tarts and drink about a gallon of water.
Makena is stirring. I put her on the couch and then pick up and feed Colin while sitting next to Makena.
Colin is done eating. We sit on the couch and make funny faces at each other. Makena is STILL SLEEPING! It's a miracle! Colin is kicking her. We play with baby toys and he is so great at grabbing at them!
Makena is awake. I hear Ian waking up.
I put both babies on the play mat on the floor. Colin is grabbing Makena's hand!! I take a little video. Ian is silent, thankfully he fell back asleep.
Their mom is home, and we ooh and ahh at our babies and take photos of them being super adorable.
Ian is awake for real and his mom goes to get him. I get ready to leave but Makena screams when I go to put her in the carseat. I realize I need to feed her, so I quickly do.
I'm late to pick up Pam but I'm glad I fed Makena first! She is happy in the car. I eat an apple while driving.
We meet up with Pam at the grocery store. Since I was late to get her she walked over and started shopping. I'm wearing Makena and she's a trooper the whole time we shop.
Time to head home! I drive and Pam sits in the back. Makena sleeps!!!! Usually she screams on the ride home.
We walk in the door. I put away the groceries and go online. Makena wakes up within minutes of getting home and Pam changes her diaper and swaddles her. She starts her evening routine of crying even though she's super tired.
I feed Makena. She isn't eating, just crying. I walk her around the dark apartment. Pam is doing the dishes.
Makena closes her eyes. I sit down to watch TV and hold Makena while still patting her bottom. She opens her eyes if I stop. Pam starts dinner.
Makena is asleep.
Pam is still cooking. It smells delicious! I keep hearing Pam get mad when the oil splatters and hurts her.
Dinner! Tofu with brown rice and broccoli, and fried green beans?!
We watch Lost.
Pam holds Makena.
I take Makena into bed with me. She's still sleeping.
12:30 am
She wakes up and eats then falls right back to sleep.
Wake up, poop, eat, poop.
We wake up for the day!
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