2:00 am
Makena wakes up to eat. First I change her poopy diaper. Then I feed her. (It's a super dark photo but we only had a dim light on!)
Makena has been awake for about 15 minutes, but we've been just laying in bed and cooing at each other. She wakes up full of smiles! Oh how I LOVE co-sleeping, this is the best thing in the world to wake up and see!
8:45 am
Breakfast time! I eat some cereal over her as she's breastfeeding. She drifts to sleep on the Boppy in my lap.
9:20 am
She's up from her cat nap, and it's time to play! Makena spends 10-20 minutes on her play mat. Now she knows how to grab at her toys!
I jump on the computer for an email/facebook check. Pam changes Makena's diaper and takes off her jammies. Time to get dressed for the day!
Laundry laundry laundry...the cloth diapers need to be washed, they are starting to stink!
10:30 am
Makena has fallen asleep on the couch while Mama watches TV.
11:30 am
Makena is awake and as Pam changes her diaper she tries to get some laughs out of her.
More booby juice time! I try to beat my Sudoku high score on my cell phone.
I eat lunch (quesadilla with fake cheese, black beans, and corn) and watch TV while Pam gets down on the floor with Makena for some tummy time! (She doesn't understand while we make her exercise!)
Makena swings in her swing for a bit and keeps scratching at her face so we put her mitts on. Then she wants to suck on her hands and slobbers all over her mitts. We take them off and she promptly scratches her nose and makes it bleed.
2:00 pm
More breastfeeding. I grab a pillow and she takes a little nap in my arms.
2:30 pm
Makena wakes up and we take pictures of her being adorable.
Clean diaper is on, and Makena chews on Sofie the giraffe.
Pam swaddles Makena and they take a nap together in bed.
They wake up, Makena nurses, and then she takes a short walk with Mama while she carries her in the Baby Bjorn.
6:00 pm
Makena naps propped in the Boppy on the couch and Pam and I quietly make pasta for dinner while constantly checking on her.
Makena wakes up, and we undress her for a little naked time until...
7:00 pm
Bath time! We take our first family bath together so there are no photos. ;)
8:00 pm
Makena eats one last time before bed. She's in her jammies with a pacifier in her mouth and swaddled up tightly. We take turns rocking/swaying/bouncing her in our arms as she cries and fusses and fights sleep. This is an unfortunate nightly routine. She is exhausted, her red eyes want to close so badly but she arches back and thrashes her head back and forth and makes such a commotion! (No photo because this is our stressful time of the day and we're not in a picture taking mood...) She drifts in and out of light sleep and if we stop moving she wakes up.
10:00 pm
Makena has been sleeping for about 1.5 hours, and she's FINALLY fallen asleep deep enough for us to put her down. I get into bed with her and it's lights out until 2:00 am when it starts allllll over again!
One day I'll get around to posting what a day looks like when she comes to work with me. It's vastly different, of course!
Great to read a full day of life with Makena at almost 3 months old. I am so glad you are having every minute of your day with your daughter. I would have it no other way.
ReplyDeleteShe is so beautiful and her smile and laugh just melts me!
Beautiful Katy, It's great to see you two really enjoying that beautiful bundle of love..She is just too too cute..please give kisses and hugs from Aunt Deirdre Michael and Matthew...love you xoxoxo