7:50- Pam leaves for work.
7:52- I get Hadley a cup of water that she's been asking for.
7:59- Makena is pouting on the couch because she can't find the cat toy and she had the puppy but Hadley wanted it so now she can't play.
8:12- Makena asks me to help fold the pillow pets. She's setting up all the stuffed animals on the couch to watch a movie.
8:18- Hadley asks me to read a book to her so I do.
8:30- Makena turns on Netflix and Hadley says she wants Little Einsteins but Makena says no, she's watching My Little Pony. Kids ask for snap peas and Graham crackers and orange juice.
8:35- I tackle the huge laundry pile. Haven't done laundry in weeks. This will be about 8 loads to wash.
8:45- Our laundry card doesn't have enough money on it. Can only do one wash cycle. But I already started one machine and the other load is sitting in the other machine all soapy. The office isn't open yet to refill card.
9:05- Check office. It's still not open. I double check the hours. Says they open at 9.
9:10- The kids ask if they can take a bath, so they are in there playing.
9:13- I check the office again, still closed.
9:15- I start to clean up the kitchen.
9:30- Look up apartments on Craigslist.
9:40- I check the office again and it's still closed. My one load of wash is done and ready for the dryer but I need to get money onto the card so it works! I call the office and I'm directed to the managers personal number, and she tells me she took the day off but will send someone to the office now. I load $30 onto the laundry card and finally get laundry going.
9:55- Makena gets out of the bath.
10:00- Hadley asks for more bath water.
10:10- Makena is reading in bedroom.
10:25- Makena says she's bored and I suggest she starts looking up projects we can do with shaving cream.
10:30- Laundry
10:40- I get Hadley out of the bath. She was in there for 1.5 hours. She wants only purple clothes but the undies have pink cupcakes on them so she changes to wanting cupcake clothes. We don't have a cupcake shirt or pants so she wants to draw on her clothes. I am able to distract her with the shaving cream art project. We make rain clouds and marbled paper.
11:35- We clean up the mess. Mostly it's just me. Makena is on the computer. I realize I missed the only call that didn't cancel today when I see an email from them apologizing that they couldn't get the video call program to work. Phew.
11:45- I get Hadley set up with a cutting and taping project and continue with laundry.
Noon- Kids are in the bedroom. Realize I haven't eaten yet today. Find a leftover half eaten cookie and eat it. Start folding 4 loads of laundry.
12:11- I overhear Makena ask Hadley to ask me to make lunch. They want macaroni and cheese. We don't have any. Hadley says we DO have bunny macaroni and can get some at the store. Telling her that we can't go to the store right now since we don't have the car today doesn't help. I find a simple recipe and make mac and cheese from scratch.
12:45- We eat lunch. Kids have the mac & cheese and green beans and asparagus. We put My Little Pony back on. I didn't have enough pasta to make food for myself so I eat a few bites, pop some frozen pierogies into the oven, and get back to folding laundry.
12:50- Go get laundry, and as I'm leaving Hadley says she wants to come with me. Try to find shoes but no luck. She walks barefoot to the laundry room with me.
1:05- I sit down to fold laundry. Hadley wants more food. Makena gets it for her. Makena needs help putting the lid back on the cup. I realize I haven't had anything to drink today and guzzle down a cup of water.
1:10- I want to make a cookie brownie bar box mix. Take out a stick of butter to soften.
1:13- I sit down to fold laundry.
1:15- My food is ready, so I eat it while sitting next to the laundry pile that is growing.
1:25- Kids ate half of my food. I didn't know they liked pierogies. I'm folding laundry.
1:28- Hadley is blocking the tv and saying it's hers. I resist the urge to send Pam a text asking when she'll be home.
1:30- I get up and start making those brownie cookie bars. Hadley asks if they are ready yet and gets mad when I tell Alexa to set a 35 minute timer. She says "No! Alexa just 1 minute!"
1:38- Hadley wants me to help put together her car/train track so I do that but she's not interested anymore.
1:40- I go get laundry. Come back inside and find kids are playing a very obnoxious pretend crying baby game where they both insist they are the baby and the other one is the mom. Hadley says it's time for brownies. I say they aren't ready yet. She says they ARE ready and Makena gets her playing again.
1:50- I gather recycling and change the trash bag, try to make kitchen not a mess and try to pick up the living room.
2:20- I fold laundry. Why did I tell Makena we'd organize the play area under her bed today? There is still so much to do. I thought this would be a productive day for me.
2:30- Hadley is screaming in the bedroom and won't stop. She says she wants to be loud and won't stop screaming. I'm losing my patience. I tell Makena that her job is to find a way to get Hadley to stop screaming because I just need to finish folding this pile. Makena asks "And how am I supposed to do that?!" I tell her to just figure it out. She slams the door behind her.
2:40- More screaming from Hadley. I try to distract her, I try to give her space. She just wants to scream and I. Am. Losing. My. Patience. The brownies are ready, just in time. Hadley is crying but calms down when I tell her it's time to eat a brownie.
2:57- Hadley wants another brownie. I tell her she can have the rest of mine but after that no more. She finishes and say there is more brownies right there on the counter. I ask her where the iPad is and suggest she play the puzzle game.
3:00- Knock on the door. Maintenance comes to check our smoke detectors and stuff.
3:05- Hadley asks to watch Little Einsteins. The melody party one. As I scroll through the episodes to find it she says she wants the water one. I try a couple different episodes featuring water until finding the one she means.
3:30- Little Einsteins is over and Hadley says "but I wanted the other one!" I find it, press play, and a second later she says it's the wrong one. Makena is watching Wonder Pets on her tablet. Hadley is watching it too, but says she's still watching the tv. It feels really loud with two different shows on in the same room. Pam should be home within 2 hours, fingers crossed.
3:45- I'm finally finishing laundry and putting clean clothes away!
4:00- I help Makena make a countdown chain. 10 days until we see Hamilton!
4:12- I start the "Mama is about to be home so let's hurry and clean up!" thing. Makena says I've been cleaning all day. I say "Oh I know."
4:15- Makena says she has a busy week ahead and just really wants to rest today instead of helping pick up toys. She's reading in bed now. I try not to roll my eyes.
4:16- Hadley is screaming for another brownie.
4:17- I unload and load the dishwasher.
4:18- Makena asks if we can go to the park. I say I wish we could but I still need some help with cleaning up. She storms off angrily.
4:29- Hadley throws the iPad down. I take it away and she doesn't even pay attention.
4:30- I play with Hadley and the car set. She asks me what's for dinner. I tell her mama will be home soon and she can ask her.
4:41- Makena asks why we can't just go to the park for a little bit since we didn't leave the house today at all. I tell her that I'm feeling frustrated that I've been trying all day to clean up and it still looks like nothing has been done. And then I tell her that mama will be home soon and she can ask her, but don't count on it because mama might want to just come home and relax. And cook dinner. Since I have no plans to do that.
4:46- Hadley just realized that we've been playing with the car play-set and don't have any of the cars. We don't know where they are. She breaks apart the tracks. I ask if she's ready to put it away so I can vacuum and she meows and crawls away.
4:47- I start boiling some water for cleaning Makena's ear piercing.
4:55- I tell Makena to come soak her ears.
4:59- Hadley asks for the iPad. I remind her that she threw it and I'm feeling nervous that she won't treat it well, "I'm worried it will break and I can't let you break it." She says "But I want to break the iPad!" I tell her that I can't give it to her until I'm sure she will treat it with respect and not throw it. She says she won't. I give it to her.
5:00- I see both of the kids sitting quietly and decide to escape into the bedroom for a few moments of my own screen time.
5:01- Hadley's yelling for Alexa to stop since the alarm is going off that says Makena's 5 minutes of ear soaking is up. Makena calls for help because she spilled the water. I get her set up with the other ear and go back into the bedroom.
5:04- I should think about dinner. I should change the bed sheets. I should vacuum. I should maybe change out of my pjs but what's the point since bedtime is a blissful 2 hours away.
5:05- Screw it. I'm playing Disney Emoji Blitz.
5:05- Text from Pam that she's on her way home.
5:06- Makena needs help to not spill the water since her second ear is done.
5:07- I continue my game of Disney Emoji Blitz.
5:08- I'm laying on top of the clean bed sheets and I should really just put them on the bed so that when it's bedtime it's all ready.
5:17- Pam is home. Hallelujah.
5:19- Pam says she isn't feeling well.
5:30- I start to think about dinner but see that we need to buy groceries. Makena asks if we can order PF Changs. I say no. Then I sit down and look up how much that would cost.
5:32- We are looking up Hamilton tickets and wondering if we should buy the ones that are now available close to where we are sitting so we can all sit together, or not. Hadley's still on the iPad. I haven't heard a peep from her since 5pm.
5:52- Pam is reading to Makena about the moon landing. I'm thinking about dinner.
5:55- I close my computer and think about dinner more seriously. We usually eat at 6.
6:00- I ask if anyone has any ideas for dinner. Makena makes a suggestion but I say that I don't feel like cooking it. Pam continues reading to her. Hadley's still on the iPad. One hour until bedtime.
6:12- Pam starts cooking dinner for the kids. She whispers to me something about us ordering something later.
6:17- Hadley says she wants Graham crackers.
6:40- Makena joins Hadley on the recliner where Hadley has been sitting since 5pm. They are watching Peppa Pig.
6:42- Pam says dinner is ready. The kids argue over who gets to use the brown spoon. Normally Makena wouldn't care but that't the spoon she just saved the other day from Yogurtland.
6:56- Makena keeps talking and isn't eating dinner, Pam says she's always talking. Makena asks, "Is that a compliment or not?" Pam and I laugh.
6:58- I'm hungry. Almost bedtime. Makena asks me to rap the You're Welcome song. I do. Pam asks what's going on.
6:59- We are so close to bedtime. The kids are still eating.
7:06- I help Hadley brush her teeth and put on pjs. Pam calls in a Thai food order from across the street and helps Makena get ready for bed.
7:12- I move the clean sheets out of the way. Maybe I'll put them on the bed tomorrow. Lights out, I start nursing Hadley in bed and read a book to myself on my phone.
7:14- Pam is standing next to Makena's bed while she falls asleep.
7:23- Hadley is asleep.
7:34- Makena is asleep.
7:45- Pam and I eat Thai food and try to watch a movie but I'm not liking it. The food or the movie. So I eat brownies instead and we watch This Is Us.
9:03- We consider watching something else but then turn off the tv and enjoy the silence as we play on our phones.
9:22- I think about the schedule for tomorrow and consider taking a shower. I can't remember the last time I washed my hair.
9:25- I shower!
9:45- I'm in bed on my phone.
11:04- Yikes it's late.
11:46- Got to a good stopping place in my book. Bedtime!
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