She had her very first lollipop! (Actually it's just a stick, but she enjoyed it, and it's all natural! ha!)
I love that she runs now. She loves to walk around and when something interesting catches her eye she takes off for it. And if you pretend to chase her and say "I'm gonna get you!!" she goes running and laughing away. In this photo she was excited about the flags waving overhead, and had been pointing up at them saying "Ohh Ohh!" And I told her to go get them, so she went!
We didn't take photos with the ducks, but Pam took these from a few days earlier-
See what I mean? She's too wonderful for words. We love her personality, she's such a joy! Sweet and silly and so good!!
Does your child know her name more than 75% of the time? I think so? But I think sometimes there's a difference between knowing her name and choosing to listen to us when we are trying to get her attention. lol.wave, clap, or point- Yes. She claps and points all day long to show us what she wants!! She will wave when we say "bye bye!"
say any words- We go back and forth with this one. She will start to say "Uh-oh!" but then stops after "Uh!" And she says "Mama" but it sounds more like "Mamamamamama!" and she only says it when she's sad. She mostly grunts and claps.
understand simple directions- Yes. Very much so. She will put clothes in her laundry basket, throw things in the trash, find her shoes when it's time to go out, and sit down when we tell her to (usually!) to name a few things. The other day I was asking if she wanted a sip of my drink and I was on the couch. She sat down in the middle of the floor and looked at me. I asked her to come closer if she wanted a sip. And she got up and then sat down again. "Come here silly!" and she started to walk towards me. "Here, do you want a sip?" And she sat down again. Then I realized she thought I was saying SIT every time I said sip! Hahahaha!! She was following directions so well! :)
"cruise" on furniture or walk- Oh we had an early walker!! She started at 9.5 months.
look for dropped objects- Yep.
have temper tantrums- YES! And we think it's waaaay too young for such behavior! lol. She gets VERY upset sometimes when we won't let her have something she wants. Once she wanted a pair of scissors and when I moved them out of her reach she flipped out, started crying as hard as if she was physically hurt, and then threw herself down on the floor and BIT the carpet in anger! Pam and I were standing next to her and were completely horrified! It was funny, came on SO unexpectedly and fast, and I got down and tried to soothe and calm her and she threw herself at me and bit my shirt! And then she was over it once we distracted her. Totally nuts!
have a high needs temperament? No. But she has a high needs sleeping problem!
Do your read to your child for 20 minutes day- Oh yes, she spends a very high percentage of her day with books!! We love to read to her, she loves to pick out books to bring us to read, and she will sit and "read" books by herself for quite a long time.
Do you have concerns about your child diet? No, but I do wish she'd eat more sometimes. She will get stuck on a favorite food and stop liking other foods, and I wish she'd just eat everything put in front of her! It would be so much easier. Black/kidney beans, cheese, eggs, peas, bread, and anything covered in tomato sauce are all great choices that she loves. Well, for now at least... And we always try to get her to eat more veggies and fruit, but she isn't into them right now.What kind of milk does your child drink? My breast milk only!!
How many ounces of juice does your child get a day? None. She drinks lots of water and loves it!
Sippy cup, bottle, or regular cup? Sippy cup and Straw cup.
Feed self with fingers? Yes, and she loves using a spoon and fork too!
Do you brush your child't teeth? Yes, but not as often as we should. We are constantly trying to remember to do it.With water? Yes, only water.
Has your child had any injuries this past year? She's had lots of bumps and bruises. One cut/scrape that bled. My child's car seat faces forwards or backwards? Backwards, and it will stay that was as long as possible.
Is your child's crib mattress set to its lowest level? Well, it's on the floor next to our mattress in our room. ;)
Is there a swimming pool at or near your home? No
Have you checked the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide monitors in the last 6 months? No. I just looked up at where the smoke detector is supposed to be and it's not even there. It's around here somewhere, and the battery works a little too well, which is why we take it down so often. BTW, who installs a smoke detector a few feet away from a gas stove?!?!
Do you have concerns about your child's sleep? Ha. Concerns? No.Where does your child sleep? Next to us in our bed at night, or alone on our mattress for naps, or in the car.
Does your child sleep through the night? Yes. No. Who knows? Most nights I have no idea. But I'm not bothered by that. :) It's my understanding that babies who co-sleep and breastfeed will usually continue to nurse during the night. So I'm cool with it! Occasionally she will wake up and want to play at 2 or 4 am, and that's when we have a problem.
How many naps does your child take? Usually 2. This last week it's been changing a bit though. Usually she'd nap from 9-10, and 2-3. Roughly those times, but almost always for exactly one hour each nap. But these last few days she's been fighting that morning nap (which used to be the easiest nap, she'd fall asleep SO quickly!) and not napping until 11am, which puts her schedule off. The last 2 days she napped for 1.5 hours, but then didn't take a second nap!!
Does your child snore? No
Who lives with your child? Me and Pam. So, her moms. :)Are there any marital, financial or employment stresses at home? Um, yes! (But that's normal, right?!?!)
Are you separated, divorced, or in the process? No
How is your health? Good I think.
How is your spouse or partner's health? Good I think.
Do you work outside your home? Very part time.
If so, what is your occupation? Babysitter!
Does your spouse or partner work outside your home? Yes
If so, what is their occupation? Preschool aide and soccer coach
Do you have help with childcare? Hahaha, no.
Are you involved with playgroups? No.
Does anyone in your house smoke? No!!
Does anyone in your house have issues with alcohol or drugs? No!
Do you feel safe in your own home? Yes.--------------------------------------------------------------
But more on that later... I have an entire post I've been wanting to write about my ridiculous worrying.
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