Today is Mother's Day. It's surreal to me that today I got to celebrate motherhood. Most holidays stay the same year to year, but Mother's Day takes on a whole new meaning when you are a mom yourself!
We started the day by exchanging cards, and somehow Makena got Pam and I the exact same one. lol. Great minds think alike!! I was worried that might happen, but I couldn't find ANY cards that said Mama! Pam also got me (I mean, Makena got me...) a really cute children's book that she wanted me to read, and as I read it a giftcard to Old Navy fell out. Apparently she thinks it's time for me to buy some jeans that fit. haha.
Then we went to brunch, and Makena was so good. She started to get fussy and fell asleep on Pam's lap and slept for a whole hour that way. I was shocked she fell asleep, usually she needs to be swaddled, laying on her side, and rocked in your arms. (Or she'll fall asleep while breastfeeding, but that's a topic for a whole other post!) For a pretty easy going baby she is quite high maintenance in the sleep department. She won't even sleep in the car. She hates being buckled in and restricted, and tries to sit up and holds her head out and forward. Usually I can get her to sleep in the car if I put my hand through the back of the car seat and rest my hand on her face while holding her pacifier in her mouth. Sounds absolutely crazy. And it is. But she LOVES to have your hand on her face to fall asleep! And she likes to grab onto your hand (or arm) See-
Then we went to PF Changs where my Dad took us all out to eat dinner. I gave my Mom a peace scented candle (I love that they gave peace a scent! lol) and Makena gave her Grandmo a garden stone with her feet imprints!
And here we are!
A very nice first Mother's day for you both. The plate is beautiful. I love the stone of Makena's feet and my peace candle. I look forward to many more Mother's day celebrations.