Makena is such an amazing helper. She loves Hadley so much and is so eager to pitch in. She likes to feed her, but then Hadley grabs the spoon away or makes a mess and then Makena is like, "Ah! Ok I'm done here!" She was very excited the day I asked her to bathe the baby.
Baby A and Hadley!
We went to the beach near Half Moon Bay, and though it was overcast it was still sunny, and Hadley ended up with a sunburn on the side of her face while she slept in my lap. :( I felt awful.
Hadley wasn't a fan of the ocean, the water is freezing and I think it scared her. Pam and Makena had a great time! I'm not a beach person, and it was a lot of work to keep the baby out of the sand and sun (which I failed at) but it was fun to watch Makena enjoy herself.
We went to Happy Hollow with friends!
Hadley was making the funniest shrieking noises when she watched the kiddie roller coaster go by. She was excited, then scared, and we stood there watching it for a while as she wrapped her mind around what was going on.
We also went to the Oakland Zoo with preschool friends.
My mom was away visiting family on the east coast for a long time, and Makena missed her very much. She made this countdown calendar all on her own, and wanted me to send this photo to Grandmo and tell her that she wants to go berry picking together when she returns. We did go berry picking at Webb Ranch all together, and got 6 baskets of the most delicious raspberries and ollalieberries.
Father's day-
Hadley loves the chickens at Grandmo and Grandpoppy's house!
For several months I was keeping track of Hadley's naps to see what pattern she was falling into. I used this app on my phone, and she seemed to take 40 minute naps pretty consistently! Not every day, but most of the time! (Also, I want to note that the night time sleeps that are shown here do not reflect ant night wakings she has. But she just rolls over and nurses and neither of us fully wake.)
Best little sister!
We spent Tuesday mornings at the library for their summer sing-a-long kid concert series. The girls had a great time! We packed snacks and hung out outdoors. I love living within walking distance to downtown!
We spent a lovely afternoon at Shoreline lake for a dear friend's christening party.
Makena went on a paddle boat with Mama! They tried a kayak next, and I thought Makena would get tired but Pam reports she did great!
I was selected to be interviewed by a baby food company. They wanted to talk to real moms in their homes, about what, how, and why we feed our children the way we do. It was a lot of fun and I got to talk about my parenting philosophy and the choices I make. The video apparently will only be used for research in-house for the company to decide what changes to make to their products. I won't be on tv or anything. Unfortunately. ;)